Sorting the Middle-Earth Races

There are four main “good” races that reside in Middle-Earth. There are four main houses at Hogwarts. Is it possible to sort the four races into the four houses categorically? Granted, sorting into houses ought to be done individually, because even twins (i.e. Padma and Parvati Patil) are not always sorted into the same house. However, each Middle-Earth race has its own very distinctive characteristics, unique enough to each race that I think sorting them is possible.


Hobbits are most definitely Hufflepuffs. They love growing things. They love living simple lives. While not all are hard workers, a few select Hobbits (particularly Sam) are certainly “unafraid of toil”, especially when it comes to carrying Frodo to the top of Mount Doom. He and the other three Hobbits in Fellowship of the Ring are just, loyal, and true to each other.


Humans are definitely the Gryffindors in my mind. I’ve just watched the scene on Weathertop where Aragorn fought off five Ringwraiths with nothing but a sword and a torch. One man against five wraiths. Later in this same film, Boromir takes three arrows in the chest and still keeps fighting to protect Merry and Pippin. If those acts aren’t the definition of bravery, I don’t know what is.


Elves are obviously Ravenclaws. They are the wisest race. It is said that Elrond spends much of his time in his library. Despite their natural wisdom, they also love to read and to study and to learn more and more. They seem to be a very bookish race, which makes them appear very aloof at times. Being a Ravenclaw myself, the elves are my favorite race. Furthermore, doesn’t Galadriel look a little bit like the Grey Lady? She’s even wearing blue in the picture above!


Finally, we have the dwarves. Elrond says it best: “They hide in mountains seeking riches. They care nothing for the troubles of others.” Granted, not every dwarf can be characterized in this way, and it is stereotypical of Elrond to generalize like that. But, the statement does come from a universal truth about dwarves. Many of them are naturally greedy.

Let’s think back to Thorin from The Hobbit. Greedy? Very much so. But then, he does come around in the end, though only as he is about to die. Just as Professor Slughorn has a greed for powerful people, but still fights for the “good” side. But then we have Voldemort, whose greed for personal power and invincibility consume him and who definitely cares nothing for the troubles of others.

Yes, I do think that dwarves are the Slytherin race. Crabbe and Goyle certainly have a dwarfish appearance. Furthermore, dwarves reside in mountains. Slytherins reside in dungeons. And the similarities go on and on.

What do you think? Do you agree with the way I would the four races? Share your thoughts in the comments.