Editorial: I Have a Gryffindog

Technically, this isn’t an editorial because it doesn’t express any opinions, and technically, Baxter isn’t my dog since I gave it to my sister, but I think this makes for an interesting article nonetheless. J. K. Rowling has said that the four Hogwarts houses roughly coincide with the four “major elements”: earth, wind, fire, and…

Editorial: Much Ado About Sorting

Yesterday, Evanna Lynch, who plays the very eccentric Ravenclaw Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter films, was sorted on Pottermore. Into Gryffindor. Here’s what she had to say (or tweet, rather) about the matter: Ahhhh umm errrrrr…. Just got sorted. Slight identity crisis. Need to sit down and process this… #pottermore I’m in Gryffindor. #Pottermore…

LeakyCon: A Newbie’s Perspective

This is my first Con. For as long as I have had a website (although I haven’t always taken it very seriously, especially lately) about Harry Potter, I feel less a part of the fandom than I did before, not more. You’d think that by going to a conference, I would get more in tune…