Pottermore: QWC Over, Goblet Final Chapters Coming Soon

Now that the Quidditch World Cup is finally over (though it was fun while it lasted!), we can finally hope to see those pesky last few chapters of Goblet of Fire. It’s been since January that the last installment was released and since April that we Ravenclaws were promised 24-hours early access. Pottermore (which, for some reason, has been…

New Harry Potter Story on Pottermore: Reactions, Full Text

J.K. “Jo” Rowling never ceases to disappoint. Adding to the series of Daily Prophet reports by Ginny Potter, giving us play-by-play analysis of every match during the Quidditch World Cup, Jo has now penned a gossip column by our favorite notorious journalist, Rita Skeeter. Her article gives us an insight into what Harry, Hermione, and Ron are doing now…

Pottermore: Azkaban, Chapters 1-15

It has been nearly three months since the release of Chapters 8-15 on Pottermore. As I wrote in the Chamber of Secrets review article, I really only visit Pottermore to experience the artwork and sounds that each new Moment brings, and to read new information written by J. K. Rowling. Included in the first Prisoner…

Editorial: I Have a Gryffindog

Technically, this isn’t an editorial because it doesn’t express any opinions, and technically, Baxter isn’t my dog since I gave it to my sister, but I think this makes for an interesting article nonetheless. J. K. Rowling has said that the four Hogwarts houses roughly coincide with the four “major elements”: earth, wind, fire, and…