The Day I Stopped Caring About Harry Potter

I feel a bit like Charlie Brown around Christmastime. Not feeling the same Christmas spirit that everyone else is feeling. I open Facebook and every post is “Cursed Child” this and “Cursed Child” that, and my reaction isn’t to open each article to devour the latest news. My reaction is a very Charlie Brown-ish reaction: that it’s…

Getting a Little Pottermore Back: Enhanced iBooks

Last Thursday, Pottermore Limited released the Harry Potter Enhanced iBooks series, not even one month since the new Pottermore was released, and little more than a week since the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Illustrated Edition, with illustrations by Jim Kay, was released. It’s been eight years since the last Harry Potter book was published, and now…

5 things to love/hate about the new Pottermore

Pottermore unveiled its new website today. Even though I will so completely miss Pottermore in its “original and best” form, there are many things that I’m loving so far about Pottermore in its newest iteration. 1. Mobile accessibility (but with less to do on the desktop version) Finally, I can access Pottermore on my smartphone and my tablet. But is…

Time to Say Goodbye to Downton Abbey

So many TV shows reach a peak season, then after a while, they become stale. Viewers stop watching and producers are forced to cancel the show. This certainly happened with Glee. This certainly is not happening with Downton. Downton Abbey‘s viewership is as high as it has ever been. The story has not become remotely…