One month it has been since I last posted anything to this website.
Sure, this website has endured much longer hiatuses than this, but I can’t stay away. I miss writing too much. Granted, I did write so often in December that, at times, I felt a tad bit overwhelmed. January certainly wasn’t relaxing, though. The One Act Play that I assisted in directing took second place at the sub-section contest last Friday, so the long days and late nights paid off! Now, my students are heading to sectionals on Saturday, which means, of course, less time for writing. However, despite the lack of time, I wanted to return to writing this week, in no small part due to two things:
- I watched seasons two and three of The Newsroom (finally) this month (Aaron Sorkin helped me unwind several days).
- I watched “Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story” for the first time (unwinding was likewise necessary tonight).
One was incredible, while the other was less than spectacular and sometimes downright Riddikulus. You can probably guess which one is which. But both were inspiring to me. One inspired me greatly to “do the news”. The other inspired me to “write, because I want to”. (When you view the movie while thinking “this really happened”, it becomes much more inspiring.)
This article is not so much a review about The Newsroom (though I should probably write some of those thoughts down too) as it is a preview of the things I’m hopefully going to be working on this week. January was rather quiet compared with December. No movie releases that I cared about. No major updates to Pottermore. However, there have been a few noteworthy trailers that I feel the need to feature on this website. I’m planning updates to these fandoms:
- Game of Thrones (the TV show and the video game)
- Jurassic Park (the new trailer during the Super Bowl)
- The future of the Harry Potter books (an opinion piece)
I hope to see you back later this week as new articles are released! Don’t forget to follow @fictionrow on Twitter, “like” /fictionrow on Facebook and follow fictionrow on Tumblr for the latest updates the moment they’re posted!