A Mundane Middle-Earth Map

When Google announced that they were creating a Middle-Earth map, I was frankly very excited. The best map that I have of Middle-Earth currently resides within the Lord of the Rings Online video game, and even then, it’s a game map, which means that it’s embellished by game features. It’s a very detailed map, and…

Review: Two Towers Movie

As a Language Arts teacher, I often use Lord of the Rings (specifically Two Towers and Return of the King) as an example when I teach about the three main points of view. While Fellowship of the Ring tends to mostly follow Frodo, making it third person limited, the latter two books (and movies) in…

Review: Aragorn’s Quest

I am about to reveal something that might shock some ardent fans of Lord of the Rings: I don’t like Frodo. As a character, I think he’s annoying. Sure, Pippin makes mistakes more often than Frodo does, but the mistakes Pippin makes are small compared to Frodo’s, and Pippin is a much more likable character anyway. But,…