Prisoner of Azkaban Game Soundtrack

The following is my attempt at some sort of clean track listing of the Prisoner of Azkaban unofficial soundtrack. These are only possibilities of names for some of the themes. I don’t overtly suggest that you use them; I have simply chosen to use these names (despite some minor changes over the few months that I’ve compiled this music). I also don’t blatantly suggest that you use these and only these themes, because I have chosen music that I enjoy most from the games, which is not representative of the entire games. I also try to refrain from using themes from previous games, unless I really like them. Should you find others that you also like or like instead of these, please feel free to compile those music files. These are merely ideas to spark your own.

However, this list alone doesn’t mean much. Where can you find these files you ask? Great question. They can be found in this path on your computer, supposing that you installed your Prisoner of Azkaban computer game under the suggested folder name and not elsewhere:

[C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(TM)\music]

From there, you can listen to these OGG files, or convert them to MP3s to transfer to your iPod or other preferred MP3 player or program. There are plugins available to listen to OGG files via iTunes, but I prefer to use Winamp, which comes with an OGG output plugin built right in (if you download the full version). You can also use the Nullsoft Disk Writer plugin to convert these files into MP3s.

  1. Bonus Bean Room (beanbonus_introcutscene.ogg)
  2. Book of Monsters (he_SM_QUD_DracoOrch_01_edit.ogg)
  3. Buckbeak Challenge (Cue29_withloop.ogg)
  4. Buckbeak Flight (rescue_Cue86_SM_PoA_BuckbeakNightFlightS_Orch.ogg)
  5. Cornish Pixies (pix_Cue_06v3_S.ogg)
  6. Draconifors (drac_cue_28.ogg)
  7. Expecto Patronum (expecto_patronum.ogg)
  8. Follow Snow (Cue74_SM_PoA_ExtFollowSnow_01.ogg)
  9. Fred and George (hub_SM_GRC_FredGeorge_01.ogg)
  10. Glacius Challenge (glac_Cue64.ogg)
  11. Grand Patronus (grand_patronus.ogg)
  12. Hippogriff Paddock (shack_POAM22.ogg)
  13. Hogwarts Intro (hogwarts_intro.ogg)
  14. Indoor Music (indoor_hub.ogg)
  15. Main Theme (hud_music.ogg)
  16. Pause Menu (hud_music_ingame.ogg)
  17. Maurauders (lib_SM_PoA_MaraudersMainLoop_01.ogg)
  18. Remus Lupin (shack_Cue20_21_Moony_and_Amb.ogg)
  19. Rescue Sirius (rescue_sirius.ogg)
  20. Save Ron (shack_Cue_23.ogg)
  21. Shrieking Shack (shack_Cue31_SM_PoA_ShriekingShack_Orch.ogg)
  22. Spooky Music (spooky_music.ogg)
  23. Storybook (lib_SM_PRV_StorybookOrch_01.ogg)
  24. Wander Rain (expecto_Cue71_SM_PoA_ExtWanderRain_01.ogg)
  25. Werewolf Scene (lupin_as_werewolf.ogg)